Bioska biowaste bag with handles

Bioska’s biowaste bags with handles are highly esteemed, and are a good example of how we make the bags that our customers need.

  • industrially compostable
  • durable
  • easy to tie
  • size 20 L
Technical information
ParameterStandardNominal valueUnitTolerance
Thicknessna16mic+/- 10%
Widthnato be agreed with the customermm+/- 2 mm
Physico-mechanical properties
ParameterStandardNominal valueUnitTolerance
ColorLight greenna +/- 10%
Density1,25g/cm³+/- 10%
Tensile strength MD/TD ISO 527-217/16MPa+/- 10%
Elongation MD/TD ISO 527-2320/375 +/- 10%
Surface tension48Dyn+/- 10%
Tear resistance MD/TDASTM D1922150/200N/mm+/- 10%
Puncture resistanceASTM D 574815N+/- 10%
Thermal properties
ParameterStandardNominal valueUnitTolerance
Melting pointISO 3146125°C
Vicat softening pointISO 30670°C
Based on reasonable investigations, the information set out herein is accurate to our current knowledge only. We take no responsibility for information that has been provided to us by our suppliers and on which we have relied when producing the information contained herein.